Who We Are

Kulfo is a private limited company that offers a digital market system to the construction industry. It is founded by A Group of Engineers, who have more than decade years of experiences in construction industry.The company's goal is to bridge information gap between demand and supply in the construction industry by offering a well-organized digital market platform .

Machineries and Construction Equipment

You can get Machineries and construction equipment owners register/registered in detail to our system(platform) in advance then the consumers or utilizers who needs this machineries/equipment for rental. you can get their list in detail by pressing
list button.

  • Excavator and related machineries
  • Crane and related machineries
  • Dump truck, pickup
  • Generator, mixer, vibrator
  • HDP Welding machine and related machineries
Manufactured/Industrial products

You can get list of construction material Manufacturers and Industrial product suppliers (imported and local materials) by pressing list button.

  • Cement, Iron bar and related materials
  • Gypsum, Paint and related materials
  • Play Wood, RHS and related materials
  • PVC, HDP, GI-Pipe, Casing and related materials
  • Electerical, Sanitor and related materials
Local Material Suppliers

You can get lists of local material suppliers and producers by pressing list button.

  • Sand, Aggregate and related materials
  • Stone, Select and related materials
  • HCB, Brick and related materials
  • Wood, timber related materials
  • local produced materials
Man power

You can get well experienced construction company’s and man power by pressing
list button.

  • Contractors, Sub-contractors
  • Masonry, Carpentry and related worker
  • Electrician, Sanitor and related workers
  • Gypsum, paint and related workers
  • Wood, Steel and related workers


Woreda 12 Nifas Silk lafto Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Send OK to: 9420
Call to:    9421
Email: info@kulfofish.com



About us
