Our Services

Machineries and Construction Equipment

You can get Machineries and construction equipment owners register/registered in detail to our system(platform) in advance then the consumers or utilizers who needs this machineries/equipment for rental. you can get their list in detail by pressing
list button.

  • Excavator and related machineries
  • Crane and related machineries
  • Dump truck, pickup
  • Generator, mixer, vibrator
  • HDP Welding machine and related machineries
Manufactured/Industrial products

You can get list of construction material Manufacturers and Industrial product suppliers (imported and local materials) by pressing list button.

  • Cement, Iron bar and related materials
  • Gypsum, Paint and related materials
  • Play Wood, RHS and related materials
  • PVC, HDP, GI-Pipe, Casing and related materials
  • Electerical, Sanitor and related materials
Local Material Suppliers

You can get lists of local material suppliers and producers by pressing list button.

  • Sand, Aggregate and related materials
  • Stone, Select and related materials
  • HCB, Brick and related materials
  • Wood, timber related materials
  • local produced materials
Man power

You can get well experienced construction company’s and man power by pressing
list button.

  • Contractors, Sub-contractors
  • Masonry, Carpentry and related worker
  • Electrician, Sanitor and related workers
  • Gypsum, paint and related workers
  • Wood, Steel and related workers


Woreda 12 Nifas Silk lafto Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Send OK to: 9420
Call to:    9421
Email: info@kulfofish.com



About us
